November 27, 2010 | Blog | No Comments
I’m extremely happy today. Oohly officially has funding, the head of the business side, and the ability to make this project a reality. We are now ready to employ programmers for the app and website.
I’m extremely happy today. Oohly officially has funding, the head of the business side, and the ability to make this project a reality. We are now ready to employ programmers for the app and website.
We found some great people to steer us in the right direction during the programming of the information gathering piece. If users entering data can’t interact with the program efficiently then it is worthless, isn’t it?
I found the perfect person to start the programming on this piece. They are off and programming. Action is so much more rewarding than theorizing.
The ideas are becoming fully formed on how TV watchers will interact with Oohly. This, combined with how the information will get to our database is almost complete.
Every business needs a solid revenue model. We have found one that not only rewards customers by getting them the best information, but rewards vendors by making it easy for them to advertise on TV without a serious campaign.
It is extremely hard to find a group of programmers that want to try to get an idea off the ground with nothing as a reward except the hope that it will be something. I’ve come to the realization that the program can’t be built to the scope necessary without proper funding. At the same time this person should fulfill the business logic side of this en devour.
We lost our Lead Developer today because he would “rather go to work, come home, and watch TV”. It will be very interesting if he watches TV with Oohly when it becomes a reality. Back to the drawing board.
I believe I’ve found the base of the team. Our lead developer. This is going to be great. Finally, someone I believe can implement the vision.
Knowing that this is much larger than a one man show I am starting to look for a team to implement the growing vision. Starting with friends and asking around is producing a couple very nice results.
To begin it was necessary to test the idea on others. If I couldn’t make them drop their mouth open then it would not make it. 1, 2, 3….10 mouths open. I think we have a winner.